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WEAll Talk: Is there a spiritual side to economics?

Published on July 14, 2022

What if making the transition from an economy for a dying world to an economy for a thriving world isn’t just about education, policy changes, and raising awareness, but also requires raising human consciousness?  Is there a spiritual component to life, including the human experience, that can be activated to accelerate widespread adoption of a wellbeing economy model?  There is in fact, an increasingly robust interfaith movement for climate and environmental action.  Earlier this year the interfaith Sacred Season of Climate Justice pulled together faith organizations from across the globe to take a stand and use their platforms to take action, and demand action from world leaders.  As systems and old norms destabilize faith communities are likely to become increasingly important vehicles for change and community-building.  The faith and environment action movement is very new to Wellbeing Economy concepts and there is an opportunity for powerful partnerships to be formed. 

Join our member Cylvia Hayes on 28 July 2022 at 4 p.m. UTC to explore this topic. Cylvia Hayes is a writer, speaker and teacher in the areas of economic system change and the Living World, and personal/spiritual development. Cylvia is founder and CEO of 3EStrategies and Cylvia Hayes Enterprises, founder of The ReThink, and former faculty in the Sustainability Department College of Agriculture, Oregon State University. She is also the former First Lady of Oregon and an award-winning environmental and anti-poverty activist.  Cylvia is author of, When Life Blows Up: A Guide to Peace, Power and Reinvention.  She is certified through the Tony Robbins – Chloe Madanes Strategic Coaching Institute. She is a minister in training with Unity Worldwide Ministries and currently serves as an elected member of the Unity Worldwide Ministries Earth Care Core Team.

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