Per una economia
en servei
de la vida
WEAll is the leading collaboration of organisations, alliances, movements and individuals working to transform the economic system

thousands of people and organisations are working towards a wellbeing economy

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What is the

Simply put, it’s the way that we produce and provide for one another. We often think of the economy as something given, fixed and unchangeable – but it’s not. The rules, social norms and stories that underpin our current system were designed by people, and that means they can also be changed by people.

What is a

A Wellbeing Economy is an economy designed to serve people and planet, not the other way around. In a Wellbeing Economy, the rules, norms and incentives are set up to deliver quality of life and flourishing for all people, in harmony with our environment, by default.


Everyone has enough
to live in comfort,
safety, and happiness


A restored and safe
natural world for
all life


Institutions serve
the common good and
create real value


Justice is at the heart
of the economy


Citizens are actively
engaged in their
communities and
locally rooted

Why do we
need a

A Wellbeing Economy directly addresses the root problems of our society and the multiple crises we are facing by putting our fundamental needs for Dignity, Nature, Purpose, Fairness and Participation at the core of its activities and getting things right the first time around.

How are we
to a Wellbeing

We bring together multiple actors across all regions, sectors and levels of our system to influence societal values and norms, and above all, to show that change is necessary and possible. Our underpinning value is that collaboration and togetherness define both our destination and also how we get there. Transformation calls for an entirely different way of being within human society: a shift from “us vs them” to “WE All”.

who is
part of the

We are a global collaboration of changemakers and disruptors questioning the status quo. Whether you represent an organization, a business, a government agency or are working independently towards a Wellbeing Economy, we can learn from one another and accelerate change together.

Upcoming Events


There is a huge number of resources available on the Wellbeing Economy. We’re constantly updating this library with works produced by WEAll and our members to help guide you and your organisation in your learning and practice.

What a wellbeing economy looks like in all sectors of our society

A guide to reshaping our cultural narratives in service of life

Resources for transforming the role of the public sector

Resources for refusing ‘business as usual’ and implementing regenerative and distributive solutions

Understanding why our current system is costing us more than it is helping us

Our current economic system is based on the exploitation of people and planet and we cannot build a Wellbeing Economy without confronting past and present racism and colonisation.

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our latest news, events & future WEAll developments