WEAll News

WEAll Talk: Sustainable Banking: Reflections from a small NGO in Sweden

Published on August 11, 2022

The mission of the Swedish Organization for Global Health (SOGH) is “to channel youth passion and talent to create a positive change in people’s health, from spreading knowledge about global and planetary health topics to concretely improving the quality and accessibility of health care in low-income settings” 

As part of that mission, the organisation seeks to adhere more to the terms of planetary health. One area that was looked into was sustainable banking – where are the grants and donations kept before being transferred to the different projects? This talk will describe the experience of trying to mindfully choose a sustainable bank as a small NGO and consider questions and problems that can arise. We are looking forward to a fruitful conversation on how organizations, as well as individuals, can take action towards greener and fairer finances. 

When: 25 August 2022, at 8 a.m. UTC

Where: Zoom

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