Media releases

Thriving Places Index 2019 shows which UK places are closest to a wellbeing economy

Tags: happy city, local, media, news, places
Published on April 30, 2019

Our friends @HappyCityUK have created the #ThrivingPlacesIndex to show what we need to make everywhere a fair, healthy and sustainable place to live. 

The Thriving Places Index is a new way to look at the strengths and challenges of the place where you live. It shows whether the conditions are in place for people to thrive – in a fair and sustainable way.

The Thriving Places Index asks:

Is this a fair and equal place to live?

Is it sustainable enough so that future generations can flourish?

Are the conditions present for everyone to do well?


Created by Happy City, the Thriving Places Index is designed to provide a robust reporting framework that shows the conditions for wellbeing at a local level. It radically challenges the current paradigm that defines progress by purely economic and financial means.

See the results at

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