
August WEAll Talk – Rewilding 101

Tags: biodiversity, environment, event, members, news
Published on August 15, 2023

Join Ronan Taylor, researcher and founder of Biospheric Restoration Systems for an introduction to rewilding.

We are facing a mass extinction. Our current economic paradigm of infinite growth is largely to blame. But stopping growth alone will be insufficient.

Ecosystems across the world have been damaged to the point where they can no longer function.  As we design and build the economies of the future, we all must become acquainted with the concept of rewilding. A bold series of visions on how we can restore ecosystems and combat our current extinction crisis.

Ronan is a naturalist with a background in paleoecology. He has worked with organizations like the Smithsonian and National Geographic. Recently he formed Biospheric Restoration Systems, a non profit research group developing new technologically driven methods of environmental restoration.

Rewilding is an exciting and progressive new approach to our relationship with the natural world. In this presentation Ronan will go over what exactly rewilding is, some success stories, and its importance in the existential fight against climate collapse. He will also share some of his work in the field and contrast rewilding with conservation’s colonial history. 

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