Case Studies

Maroma – Business Embedded in the Community

Tags: business

Maroma is a multi-million dollar Indian business that sells home fragrance and body care products. The Auroville community in India owns all shares in Maroma and employees have the autonomy to run and manage the business.

Maroma is the largest employer in Auroville and the biggest contributor. Each year, 40% of Maroma’s profits are returned to the community to further growth and development i.e. road building, water and sanitation, sustainable power, telecommunication and housing for Auroville residents.

Maroma also contributes financially to secondary and higher educational institutions in Auroville.

Maroma is a quintessential example of an enterprise fully embedded in its community and is a social enterprise that is certified Fair Trade for its implementation of all 10 Fair Trade Principles in all their operations and supply chains.

Find out more here.

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