Case Studies

Kitale, Kenya – Water provision through participation

Tags: Water in a Wellbeing Economy

Kitale in Kenya used public participation to bring water and sanitation to its slum areas by creating a collectively managed community inventory mapping out local institutions, women’s groups and young people’s groups. Public participation, if done in an equitable manner, allows for different value and knowledge systems to be heard and integrated into the decision-making process, creating more holistic frameworks and better governance outcomes. In this manner, it achieves principles 3, 4, 5 and 6 of the Principles of Water Ethics.

This case study features in the WEAll Briefing paper “Water in a Wellbeing Economy” – find out more and read the whole paper here.

Reference: Majale, M. (2009) ‘Developing participatory planning process in Kitale, Kenya’, case study prepared for Planning Sustainable Cities: Global Report on Human Settlements 2009, Nairobi: UN Habitat.

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