Case Studies

India – Food waste solutions

Tags: Food, Health and Environment

The India Cooling Action Plan (ICAP) is working on increasing the efficiency of the cold-chain (how perishable foods get to market), which might be key to reducing food waste. ICAP analyses different scenarios and provides policy recommendations, which are then implemented by UNEP. A pilot study is currently being undertaken in the state of Tamil Nadu, and it will test whether a zero-carbon packhouse powered by renewable energy, coupled with refrigerated transport, will reduce post-harvest food loss. This project aims to reduce food loss by 75 percent, as well as boost farmer income by profit-sharing. In addition to this project, United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) and the UNEP-led Cool Coalition will also support the national government in an effort to connect local farmers with markets via coldchains, as well as support other countries in introducing similar plans, drawing on India’s methodology

Find out more:

Keeping Rural Harvests Cool: India Pilots Solution to Food Loss and Waste

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