Governance / Politics

How can we hack electoral processes for global justice? WEAll talk

Tags: event
Published on November 20, 2023

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Our movement has generally avoided electoral politics as a means to achieve our objectives – and rightly so! Too often, politicians and parties are driven by vested interests and global markets. But are there other tools we employ any better? After 50 years of raising awareness, civil disobedience, lobbying, petitions and protests, how successful have we been at reversing the neoliberal tide?

In this talk, John Bunzl, founder of the International Simultaneous Policy Organisation (Simpol) offers a simple but ingenious way to hack national electoral processes. It will explain how our votes, if used in this new way, have the potential to be our most powerful tool for achieving our objectives.

John founded the International Simultaneous Policy Organisation (Simpol) in 2002 to encourage citizens to use their national right to vote to drive politicians, parties and governments towards global cooperation. Since the organisation’s establishment, Simpol has successfully built a network  of citizen supporters in over 100 countries and politicians in a number of countries support the Simpol campaign.

John has authored and co-authored three books including People-Centred Global Governance – Making it Happen and has lectured widely on global governance including at The Schumacher Society, The World Trade Organisation, The World Academy of Arts & Sciences (WAAS).

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