WEAll News

Amp team diary January 2019

Tags: diary
Published on February 14, 2019

Each month, the WEAll Amplification team (Amp team) shares what they’ve been working on, and their priorities for the coming month.

Find out more about our team members here 


Ana Gomez

What’s kept you busy in January?

  • Bringing new and committed members to the network. Engaging members even more in the different working groups
  • Putting WEAll Talk in action to bring a space for member to talk and share relevant topics for them
  • Making the first steps with another member, María Lorente, to build WEAll Youth in Spain.

January highlight:

  • Bringing Slack into the network’s collaboration’s dynamics so our way of work together will be easier, more transparent and useful for everyone.

February priorities:

  • Getting members involved with Slack and bringing it alive as a space for sharing and connecting
  • Organising the first two WEAll Talk events, led by members
  • Hopefully getting WEAll Youth started in Spain


Lisa Hough-Stewart 

What’s kept you busy in January?

  • Media work around Davos and the launch of Katherine’s book – see a roundup of the coverage here
  • Fundraising: working on a bid for EC DEAR, preparing for our trip to New York, and leading on the creation of our vision document
  • A great workshop on narratives in Lancaster, in partnership with the Green Economy Coalition and the Social Futures Institute at Lancaster University

January highlight:

February priorities:

  • A busy trip to New York meeting funders and US-based members – and more work on funding proposals and potential relationships
  • Developing WEAll Citizens concept and platform, building on input from members and young people
  • Revision of the WEAll website to bring it in line with latest developments, including the content of the vision doc


Katherine Trebeck

What’s kept you busy in January?

  • Fundraising – with a bid submitted and a few more prospects in the pipeline. I’m really proud of the vision document the team has created based on the What, Why, How document developed with members last year
  • An uplifting narratives workshop – it was great to collaborate with GEC and Lancaster University to make this happen
  • The launch of my book, Arrival, with some really special events in Glasgow and Edinburgh full of inquisitive people and lots of energy
  • Appearing alongside the New Zealand Finance Minister on a panel at a great LSE event on wellbeing economics

January highlight:

  • Lots of media interviews around the book launch and how we can build a wellbeing economy, working with former colleagues at Oxfam to jump off from their shocking new inequality statistics. I particularly enjoyed this long form interview for BBC Radio Scotland

February priorities:

  • Running a session on wellbeing economy policy with the Scottish Government Economy, Energy and Fair Work Committee, with WEAll Scotland
  • Spending time in London with CUSP, and working with WEAll members and friends
  • Having a bit of space to do reseach and write content for our knowledge workstream


Stewart Wallis

What’s kept you busy in January?

  • Fundraising – especially with prospective donors in the US
  • The development of the vision document and planning as many meetings as possible for our trip to New York
  • Governance and strategy development

January highlight:

  • Producing, with the rest of the team, the vision document, which has had really positive feedback already

February priorities:

  • Fundraising, and more fundraising, including an exciting trip to New York
  • Speaking at the GABV annual conference in Vancouver
  • Writing a chapter on technology for a new book on the wellbeing economy


Michael Weatherhead

What’s kept you busy in January?

  • Preparing for our fundraising and networking trip to New York
  • Developing and finalizing the Leadership Toolkit proposal
  • Participating in the narratives workshop in Lancaster

January highlight:

  • Finalising the facilitation process for NESI Global Forum 2019 – get tickets here

February priorities:

  • Establishing WEAll as a UK Trust within our new home at The Equality Trust
  • Developing our hub strategy with fellow hub networks, collaborating as much as possible
  • Agreeing specific projects to move forward with members in Q2
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