Local Hubs

WEAll hubs are self-organising, place-based groups that facilitate collaboration and activity towards building a Wellbeing Economy in different territories.

We currently have 13 hubs established around the world and many more in the making. WEAll Hubs collaborate to change the debate and accelerate economic transformation locally, whether it is in a region, a country, a city or a biorregion. WEAll Hubs serve as links between local and global movements, actions and solutions, cross-sharing experiences and working within their territories to co-create context-specific visions, narratives and solutions for a transition to a Wellbeing Economy.

Our hubs guide offers guidance to existing hubs and those just thinking about starting one.


Pincha en las señales
para saber más de cada Hub
Established WEAll Hubs

Didn’t find a hub
where you are?

We welcome individuals and groups who want to start a Wellbeing Economy hub in their territory, co-creating a Wellbeing Economy with key organisations and actors from within your community/area. In case you are interested in starting a hub, fill in the form below to get in touch with our Hubs Lead and learn more about what it means to create a WEAll Hub.

Our hubs guide offers guidance to existing hubs and those just thinking about starting one.

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