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Why governments should prioritise wellbeing – TED talk by Nicola Sturgeon, Scotland’s First Minister

Tags: leadership, Scotland, sturgeon, talk, video, wego
Published on July 29, 2019

First Minister of Scotland Nicola Sturgeon delivered a TED Talk on why governments should prioritise wellbeing in their approaches to economics.

Saying that she is determined Scotland will be a country that helps influence the world to “put wellbeing at the heart of everything we do”, Sturgeon spoke about the Wellbeing Economy Governments partnership between Scotland, Iceland and New Zealand.

The audience applauded several times, including when  the First Minister spoke about the importance of female leadership, and when she said:

“Growth in GDP should not be pursued at any and all cost … The goal of economic policy should be collective well-being: how happy and healthy a population is, not just how wealthy a population is.”

Watch the talk here, and please share widely.


Photo Ryan Lash/TED

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