Media releases

WEAll welcomes three new amp team members

Tags: news, people, team
Published on March 04, 2020

The Wellbeing Economy Alliance is thrilled to welcome three new members to the amp team this week. Anna Chrysopoulou and Usman Tufail will be based in Glasgow along with many of the other team members, and Amanda Janoo will be based in Vermont (after spending her first few weeks with the team in Glasgow too!)

We asked them to tell us a bit more about themselves and why they’re excited to work with WEAll:

Anna Chrysopoulou, Advocacy Officer

“I was studying Economics at the University of Athens when my first questions about our current economic system and its impact on the environment arose for me.

I moved from Greece to Edinburgh, UK to study Ecological Economics, trying to find those answers. My interest in political ecology, community empowerment, and exercising practices that place people and the planet ahead of profit makes me passionate about working with WEALL. I’ve been volunteering with WEAll Scotland for several months now, it’s been a fantastic way to get actively involved in building a wellbeing economy.

Being surrounded by like-minded team members is inspiring – more than ever I’m convinced that not only is system change urgent, but also feasible! ”


Amanda Janoo, Knowledge and Policy Lead

“I just got my dream job! Much of my life has been spent searching for ways to progressively change our global economy.
I see the world as a giant Venn diagram, with a thousand intertwined parts but towards the centre sits the economy, with its influence rippling throughout the material and spiritual dimensions of our lives. I worked in the sphere of international development for a long time now, trying to reduce the absurd inequality between countries by supporting governments to design transformative economic policies.
The problem was that nearly every government was trying to emulate an American economic development model that is fundamentally unjust and unsustainable.
I am so excited to work with the WEALL community to fundamentally change the way we approach economic policy and systems. I always knew that change comes from a group of committed individuals. I’m super pumped that I found my group and that they believe in me to promote their knowledge and policy work!”


Usman Tufail, Digital Lead
“I’ve worked in the creative technology space for over 15 years, most recently working on the use of technology for social good through projects with charities, social enterprises and the Scottish Government.
I’m passionate about the use of technology for work that has a positive social and environmental impact.
WEAll’s work is aligned with that and I’m excited about the part I can play in driving our ambition for a wellbeing economy that benefits all.”


Find out more about the whole amp team here.
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